Currently, Manila is not a favourite or common tourist destination. Other than Intramuros – the walled city built by the Spaniards in 1590 to 1872 – there are no other tourist destination that Manila can boast of. Manila symbolises the colonial heritage of the Philippines which erased the Majapahit heritage. Unfortunately, World War II transformed Manila into ruins.
In the following video, you will see both the Spanish and American influence to the city and its lifestyle. As an irony to its affluence, you will also see the influence of the Chinese.
Manila was once called the Queen of the Pacific. Every Filipino wanted to go to and live in Manila. Filipinos in far-flung provinces dreamt of being in Manila. Sadly, the Manila mentality led to the city's thick congestion, its beauty abused and demised.
It would be difficult to destroy Manila and re-build it to a better urban plan. So, the solution of the city government is to build a vision of it in the sea. The video that follows is what you can expect in Manila soon.
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